The Award in London Market Insurance is a CII qualification which gives an essential grounding in the make-up, processes and practices of the London Insurance Market. The Award is made up of two units; London Market Essentials (LM1) and London Market Insurance Principles and Practices (LM2). Both units are worth a combined 25 credits at Certificate in Insurance level in the CII qualification framework. The Award is promoted by Lloyd's as their qualification of choice for Lloyd's Market Specialists.
Our lunch-time revision sessions have a proven record of substantially improving student's prospects of passing their LM1 and LM2 exams
What you will learn
- Fundamental Principles of Insurance
- Basic Insurance Legal Principles and Terminology
- Outlining the main classes of insurance written in the London Market; the extent of cover, significant exclusions and rating factors.
- The nature of the insurance cycle; what it is, what prompts to change and where we are in this cycle at present
- The structure of the London Market – key types of organisation, representative bodies, the international perspective
- Regulation‐ the impact of the PRA and FCA upon the provision of insurance cover, Lloyd’s – aspects of market governance
- Other legal aspects including Government sanctions, anti‐bribery legislation, DPA, Systems and Controls etc.
- Broking in the London Market‐ the legal status of the broker, the broker’s role in the placement and claims process
- Underwriting – reprise of fundamental aspects of risk from the first session, the role and activities of the underwriter within the subscription market.
- Delegates’ choice of subject – pre‐examination testing
- Business Nature of the London Insurance Market
- Risks Written in the London Market
- Reinsurance‐How reinsurance works and fits into the marketplace
- Market Security
- Solvency
- The role of the FCA and PRA
- Lloyd’s Chain of Security
- Legal and Regulatory Requirements
- Compulsory insurances
- Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contract
- Regulations 1999
- Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
- Key regulatory roles
- Insurance Broking
- Fundamentals of the law of agency
- Different types of intermediary
- The brokers role in the placement and claims processes
- Underwriting
- How underwriters and brokers interrelate
- Market cycles
- Premium calculation
- Reinsurance to close
- Business Process
- Formation and termination of the insurance contract.
- London Market documentation
- Key policy terms and conditions
- Contract Certainty
- Delegated Underwriting
- Why delegate underwriting?
- Binding Authority agreements
- Outsourcing other activities
- Delegated Underwriting
- Purpose and types of delegated underwriting
- Operation of delegated underwriting contracts
- Controls over delegated underwriting
- Outsourcing of other activities by insurers
- Claims Handling
- The parties involved in the claims process
- Xchanging Claims Services at Lloyd’s
- The claims process
- Regulation of claims
- Complaint resolution
- Delegates’ choice of subject – pre‐examination testing