Audit reports can significantly lose their effect if not written well and presented in an easy-to-read format. But getting to that beautiful report stage can be painful. This two-day-long report-writing course is a fresh take on stale report writing. Using real issues from companies, the class focuses on how to write effective, succinct issues and how to create reports that get noticed. Not only will managers spend less time editing reports, but auditors also learn techniques to reduce that lengthy report writing stage.
This course focuses on writing skills. It will help auditors at all levels refine their writing skills and brush up on the basics. The course provides instruction on all aspects of effective writing that applies to any audit or business-related documents. You will learn techniques for organizing information and ideas and strategies for achieving clear, concise, and complete communication. Together we'll explore how to help one another improve writing and achieve a consistent voice in writing between all audit teams. We will look at the methods to improving communication both during and after fieldwork that contribute to an overall shorter report writing stage.
What you will learn
This course focuses on writing skills. It will help auditors at all levels refine their writing skills and brush up on the basics. The course provides instruction on all aspects of effective writing that applies to any audit or business-related documents. You will learn techniques for organizing information and ideas and strategies for achieving clear, concise, and complete communication. Together we'll explore how to help one another improve writing and achieve a consistent voice in writing between all audit teams. We will look at the methods to improving communication both during and after fieldwork that contribute to an overall shorter report writing stage.
Lesson 1 - Section 1.1: Organizing Writing
Overview of Audit Report Writing Boot Camp
- Introduction of students and trainer
- Overall objectives
- Writing challenges and considerations
- Knowing your audience
Issue Prewriting
- Plotting the report at the beginning of fieldwork
- Methods for consistent client communication
- What an audit issue describes
- 5-step writing formula and the air: key elements in any issue
Section 1.2: Issue Writing
- Supporting the Issue
- Key differences between causes, conclusions, and evidence
- The sweet spot of supportive detail: not too much and not too little
Assessing the Root Cause
- Steps to effective root cause analysis (RCA)
- The difference between issue, symptom, and root cause
- Strategies in RCA
- When and how to engage the client in RCA
- Reporting root causes: positive vs. negative wording
Writing Strong Business Risks
- Purpose of a business risk
- Keeping common risks convincing (LIVe)
- Using action oag111
- Verbs to create change
Developing Effective Issue Statements: A Formula
- Title of an audit
- What an issue statement describes
- The 5-sentence burst
- Writing the issue statement
Developing Effective Recommendations
- Keeping recommendations SMART
- Using recommendations for issue follow-up
Section 1.3: Perfecting Writing (“Common Grammar and Punctuation Pitfalls”)
- Clean Out the Junk and Get to the Issue
- Paragraphing and formatting
- Bullet lists, headings, fonts
- Passive voice
- Wordiness
- Ambiguity
- Negative wording
- Non-parallel structure
- Punctuation
Applying Your Company’s Issues to the Formula: In-House Editing
Summary: Audit Report Writing Toolbox
Lesson 2 Section 2.1: Writing Effective Emails
- Timing Your Communication
- Title
- Body
- Closing
- Final Email Writing Tips And Exercise
Section 2.2: Improving Tone in Writing
- The Chicken Little Dilemma
- Connotations of Words
- Placement of Negation
- Sequence of Negation
- Relative Information
- How to Change Tone
Section 2.3: Design Elements
- Instructional Design
- Graphics & Fonts
- Layering
- Using Sidelines and Flow
- Executive Summary Redesign Challenge
Section 2.4: Advanced Editing
- Pronouns
- Synonyms
- Transitions
- Ending Sentences
Section 2.5: Audit Writing Toolbox & Summary
- Managing the Release Process
- Final Toolbox