Cognitive interviewing skills


This comprehensive two day programme provides delegates with a thorough grounding in cognitive question testing methods combined with practical experience in cognitive interviewing skills. The course also covers the analysis and reporting of cognitive interview data. Participants will learn through a combination of taught and practical sessions and a structured role-play on the afternoon of day two. Delegates should also expect some additional homework.

What you will learn

By the end of this programme delegates will be able to:

  • determine when question testing is needed
  • design an appropriate sampling strategy
  • design cognitive testing
  • take into account different cognitive interviewing methods and their uses
  • conduct cognitive interviews
  • note-take effectively and report back on the test
  • plan and conduct a cognitive test
  • sell question testing to sponsors and clients

Further information

Cosensa Learning and Development
Cosensa Learning and Development
2 Days
Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Cumbria, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stirling

Contact Information

Cosensa Learning and Development

Adelaide House
1 Falcon Road
BT12 6SJ

