This Development Programme is suitable for those working in a technical environment who would like to develop their Management & People skills to complement their technical capabilities.
The course combines a blend of theory and practice to allow participants learn and understand the functions and activities of effective management in a safe and controlled environment.
A supportive learning framework is deployed so participants learn in a non-threatening, collaborative way. Participants will also be asked to complete assignments in their own time between the sessions and this work can be presented to the group in workshops for discussion in subsequent sessions.
Time will be assigned between each session for on-line coaching, mentoring and supporting the participants in understanding and completing assignments – the initial estimate is four (4) hours work between each formal classroom session.
Expected Outcome
This ‘learning-by-doing’ environment will enable participants to gain the competencies they need by taking them through all the functions of an effective manager and developing their own ‘bespoke’ leadership style, leadership traits and methodologies.
The output, therefore, will be a thorough understanding of all management functions, assistance in difficult areas and ‘cheat-sheets’ to remind them of the key messages from the modules.
By completing this course, the participants will grow in confidence and will be better placed to manage any line function or any conflict that might arise in their professional life.
The templates presented can easily be reused by the participants at any time in the future. It is also anticipated that by participating in the course, managers will develop their own local support team from within the group and will be encouraged to contact each other as the need arises.
What you will learn
Module Details
Module 1
Theme: The functions of management
Introduction to the whole programme; aims and objectives; individual introductions; fostering a collaborative environment with elements of fun; expected outcomes; monthly schedule; assignments and workshops.
Two teams; both teams describe the functions of management; report back; discuss.
What are the key functions of management; planning; organizing; staffing; directing; controlling; communicating; what is leadership; SWOT analysis.
Participants to develop SWOT analysis of their unit for presentation in following session.
Module 2
Theme: The characteristics & personal traits of the ideal manager
The journey so far; short history of the theory of management; what are personal traits and behavioural characteristics.
Report back to group on exercise from previous module; discussion
Two teams; both teams describe the characteristics and personal traits required to be an ideal manager; report back; discuss.
Short history of management; key personal traits required for an effective manager; basic leadership skills; how to be a great manager; transitioning from team member to manager; management of staff; how does leadership differ from management; setting SMART objectives.
Participants to develop set of 3 or 4 key SMART objectives for the coming year for their unit for presentation in following session.
Module 3
Theme: Communications
Summary of the journey so far; communicating upwards; presentation skills; report writing.
Report back to group on exercise from previous module; discussion
Types of communication; message clarity; listening skills; report writing; persuasion skills; presentation skills.
Develop a simple report for upward communications of an event.
Module 4
Theme: What are the dynamics of team performance?
Summary of the journey so far; what are the characteristics of a hi-performance team; what makes people work together as a team; meeting dynamics; how to manage team meetings.
Video showing negative team meeting; participants describe negative behaviors that mitigate against team performance; discussion.
Video showing negative performing team; participants describe negative behaviors; discussion
Two teams; describe the traits of a hi-performance team; report back; discussion
Traits of a hi-performance team; iceberg model of competency; guidelines for effective team meetings; meeting skills; identifying & dealing with different personas at meetings.
Participants to describe four team dynamics (two positive aspects and two negative) identified in their unit (this information will not be presented in group session).
Module 5
Theme: How does an ideal team perform?
Summary of the journey so far; setting & agreeing standards for the team, adhering to standards and taking personal responsibility.
Meeting role play; volunteer manager chosen; remaining participants take on personas of different actors involved in meetings; manager tries to identify and deal with their behaviors; discussion; debate; reflections.
Characteristics of a hi-performing team; team building; building an effective team; role of management; the importance of positive communications; goal-setting theory of motivation.
Participants to arrange and run a team meeting to agree 4-5 key SMART objectives for their team for 2019 and present findings back to the group at next session.
Module 6
Theme: Understanding vision & strategy
Summary of the journey so far; how do you develop a vision; what is strategy; how is strategy executed; what are the problems you might encounter.
Report back to group on exercise from previous module; discussion
Two teams; participants identify strategy execution problems that might occur; discussion & comments from other participants.
Report back to group on exercise from previous module; discussion
Groups of two; participants take on role of (1) manager (2) team member with an issue; 10 min conversation; comments from other participants.
Market analysis; tools to examine the environment PESTEL, BCG matrix; developing strategy; cascading objectives down into the organization; executing strategy; problems encountered in execution.
Participants to develop a vision, wanted position and set of objectives for their own unit.
Module 7
Theme: Objective setting & Management by Objectives
Summary of the journey so far; agreeing & setting key objectives for the team and allocating responsibilities to team members for delivery; building an effective team.
Participants present outputs from assignments given in Workshops 6; report back; discuss.
How to communicate effectively to a team; setting roles & responsibilities; role profiles & job descriptions; performance management process; Management by Objectives (MBO); measurement; knowing your team; key performance indicators.
Each participant to summarize the actions they will take on returning to their unit (use cheat-sheet provided).
Module 8
Theme: Dealing with Conflict
Summary of the journey so far; people management; how to overcome conflict.
People management; team building; what makes a leader; difference between a leader and a manager; delegation skills; grievance & disciplinary process.