This course is for PA’s; Administrative Assistants; Virtual Assistants; Office
Managers and anyone who uses Excel and needs to create and use more than a
simple sum.
By the end of the course you will be able to use a variety of functions to calculate
your data
What you will learn
In particular you will learn:
Conditional Processing
- If statement
- Hlookup
- Vlookup
- SumIf
- SumIFS
- Countif
- Countifs
- Averageif
- Averageifs
Text functions
Concatenate – combine cell values to make a new value
Trim – remove leading spaces and apostrphes when cleaning up data
imported from elsewhere
Left – find x number of characters from the left of a string
Right – find x number of characters from the right of a string
Upper – force to upper case
Substitute – substitute one thing for something else
Paste Special – use Paste Special to change a formula to values and