Accelerate your understanding of Sukuk to Shari’ah principles
What you will learn
- Ethical Investing
- Commonalities: Islamic and Conventional Finance
- Differences: Islamic and Conventional Finance
- Structured Finance
- Some Shari’ah Principles
- Riba, Gharrar and Maysir
- The Shari’ah as a Legal System
- Examples of Substantive Principles
- Some History
- Prior to the 1970s
- 1970s to Mid-1990s
- Modern Islamic Finance: Mid-1990s to the Present
- Five Critical Factors
- Ijma
- Nominate Contracts
- Prior to 1996
- Subsequent to 1996: Combinations and Multiple Contracts
- Dow Jones Fatwa of 1998 and the Equity Side of the Islamic Capital Markets: An Overview of the Fatwa and Its Implications.
- Sukuk and the Finance Side of the Islamic Capital Markets: An Overview.
- Bifurcated Structures: Compliant Structures In Western Markets: Introductory Overview
- Tax, Regulatory, Credit, Underwriting and Similar Constraints
- A Generic Ijara As An Example
- Myth: Comparative Complexity of Shari’ah-Compliant and Equivalent Conventional Transaction
- Introduction to Islamic Banking
- Enforceability and Legal Considerations