Advanced Project Finance Analysis & Modelling examines the financing, risk analysis and financial modelling of projects in order to provide you with a complete and up-to-date understanding of the market whilst developing crucial skills.
This advanced 4-day course addresses a wide variety of financial, statistical, programming and economic issues. The financial topics include sources of debt and equity finance for projects, risk analysis of projects, development of covenants and cash flow traps for senior and subordinated debt issues, use of option pricing concepts to measure risk and credit spreads, and credit scoring of project finance debt.
Economic topics covered in the course include pricing of PPA and BOOT contracts, commodity price risk assessment, cost and benefits of political risk insurance multilateral and evaluation of alternative types of risk in projects.
Programming issues addressed in the course include designing macros relevant for project finance models, auditing financial models using a projected balance sheet, resolving circularity associated with debt service reserves, modelling cash flow waterfalls and organising project finance models for effective presentation to investors.
Statistical concepts addressed in the course include measurement of volatility, mean reversion and boundary conditions associated with economic time series and implementation of Monte Carlo simulation in project finance models.
What you will learn
Course highlights include:
• Basic corporate model with macros and instructions to undertake comprehensive analysis
• Fully developed financial models with debt structuring, debt sizing, contract pricing and sensitivity analysis
• Time series software that incorporates volatility, mean reversion and other parameters into models
• Monte Carlo simulation software that combines times series analysis with financial modelling
• Software that computes implied volatility and option pricing using the Black Scholes model
• Yield spread models that computes the required yield spreads on project finance debt form time series analysis
• Corporate modelling software that extends project finance models to evaluate valuation of entire corporations
• Forward pricing software that projects prices from marginal cost analysis
• A variety of macro exercises that compute debt capacity, resolve circularity, develop tornado diagrams and construct vintage depreciation