This course is for the new user of Access and assumes no experience with relational databases. The topics cover the critical skills you need to get started creating databases in Access and working with the data by using tables, queries, forms, and reports.
You will practice the critical skills necessary to create a database and enter, find, edit, and report on the data it contains.
This is an instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
This course is suitable for people who want to gain the skills necessary to use Access to create a database to hold information on a subject and/or the basic skills needed to maintain and report on data in an Access database.
What you will learn
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Define the purpose of and terminology associated with a relational database and Access objects.
- Follow the steps required to properly design a database.
- Create tables to hold data and then establish table relationships.
- Modify the design of and work with data in tables.
- Create, modify the design of, and work with select queries.
- Create and modify forms to work with your data.
- Create and modify reports to select, organize, and print data.