Target audience:
- HR managers and executives.
- Those who work in learning and development (L&D), training or HRD (human resources development).
- Those preparing for an L&D role.
- L&D professionals, practitioners, advisers, facilitators and partners.
- Trainers, training officers and instructors.
- Learning and organisational development consultants.
- Learning curators and champions.
- Coaches
- Workplace assessors
- Curriculum designers
- Digital learning designers
- Senior officers and assistantsemployed within the HR function of their organisation who wish to contribute to L&D practice.
What you will learn
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Devise objectives for an L&D session.
- Describe a range of L&D methods and reasons for selecting them.
- Develop learning resources to support an L&D session.
- Know how to prepare for the delivery of L&D activities.
- Describe a range of learning styles, methods and techniques.
- Describe a range of training and learning resources.