This module forms the second part of the Diploma in CBT (Course 2000). The course revisits and expands the basic concepts making up Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which were covered in module 1 (Course 150).
What you will learn
Looking at amongst other things the ABC Model and Becks 11 common errors in thinking. It then moves on and subsequent lessons are based on the Beginning/Middle and End structure of the therapeutic process:
Beginning - Looking at the structure and goals of first and subsequent sessions. Evaluating and responding to automatic thoughts.
Middle - Identifying and modifying intermediate beliefs. Identifying and modifying core beliefs. Considering additional techniques and the centrality of homework.
End - The final stage. Relapse prevention and termination of counselling. Looking at CBT and specific disorders such as depression, anxiety and phobias, eating, guilt, anger and hostility.
This is not offered as a separate module as it is dependent on the knowledge and information gleaned from course 150.