“Value for Money… Operational Audit… Performance Audit…” Terms often confused but essentially referring to the audit of business performance in three key areas: Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness. These three ‘E’s are the cornerstone of ‘Value for Money’ and provide a unique opportunity for auditors to carry out work that is of relevance, importance and value to the organisations in which they work. This course aims to bring some clarity to the subject (indeed what is the difference between “value for money” and “performance” audit?!) and to equip candidates to understand a range of techniques for assessing the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of their business areas, functions, services and projects. The course provides practical advice and significant hands-on participation to ensure that candidates leave with knowledge not only of the theory behind VFM, but also how to put that theory into practice. A range of scenarios will be covered, with candidates being given an opportunity to consider relevant topics of their choice. Participants will receive sample documents, diagrams and checklists that will support them in applying the concept within their day jobs.