Fast track your personal and business growth through the power of peer support, personal insight, and the latest leadership thinkingImagine a workplace where people are energised and motivated to perform at their highest and take full accountability for what they deliver. Imagine a team that is driven to provide excellence as standard to your customers, collaborate positively, and has a can-do attitude. Imagine a team that sees how they make a difference and are prepared to innovate to solve the challenges your business faces.You will complete this 12-month leadership training programme in London with the techniques and know-how to create and lead this type of high-performance culture. It has been designed just for Chief Executives, with a half-day a month of workshops facilitated by one of Happy’s experienced leaders. You will also hear from external speakers who have successfully implemented these ideas.
What you will learn
Our Happy Workplace CEO Programme is based on our own practical experience at Happy (Best Workplaces top 20 workplace for five successive years), and learning from some of the world’s great workplaces (like Google and WL Gore). We have the know-how and ideas to create workplaces that are more exciting and fulfilling for you and your people. You will discover and implement a unique set of management principles to create a culture that drives economic success. You will learn alongside other CEOs, providing an instant network of leaders with the same focus and aims with which to share knowledge, experience and challenges. The evidence from numerous studies is clear that those organisations with the most empowered and involved workforces are not only happier places to be but more financially successful. If you put your people first, they will perform at their best, you will attract the top talent, they will stay longer and the business will flourish. Happy has a proven track record of supporting businesses to implement these ideas and create positive culture change.
Themes Covered
- Who you are as a leader and your leadership purpose
- The core of a happy workplace and the business benefits
- When people work at their best
- Your vision
- Strategic thinking and decision making
- Becoming a ‘Multiplier’
- Emotional intelligence
- Creating a coaching culture
- Empowering your people to solve their own challenges
- Strengths-based approach
- Enabling trust and autonomy, within clear guidelines
- Creating true job ownership
- Pre-Approval
- Ensure you are recruiting people with the attitude to succeed
- Innovation