This one-day assertiveness workshop will help you to analyse your current behaviour patterns and situations where you are experiencing difficulty. You will learn and practice skills and techniques of assertive communication.The content of this female-only workshop is identical to our mixed-gender Assertiveness workshop.
What you will learn
- To identify assertive and non‑assertive behaviour
- To analyse their current behaviour patterns
- To deal with conflict constructively
- To learn and practice a range of techniques of assertive communication
- To explore situations where it is difficult to behave assertively, and to develop strategies and skills to handle them more effectively
This female-only workshop was designed as some learners may feel more comfortable learning in an all-female environment. However, the content of this workshop is identical to our mixed gender Assertiveness one-day workshop. Themes Covered:
- How do you communicate?
- Identifying personal and/or work situations that present difficulty
- Recognising assertive and non‑assertive behaviour
- Conflict styles
- Being assertive
- Barriers to assertive behaviour
- Assertive body image
- Communicating more effectively
- Giving and receiving compliments and criticism
- Creating your personal action plan to use beyond the course