The pupose of this 1:1 Leadership Strategy day is to provide a platform for analysing the current state of the participants team or business. We provide a suite of tools and approaches to maximise profitability and effectiveness in their teams, putting peole and cultural development at the heart of the session.
What you will learn
By the end of this programme, we will have:
Discussed the current state of leadership in your business
Established clarity around the leadership development objectives
Explored ‘The Performance Window’ as a tool for managing behaviours and results
Analysed the behaviours and results in your immediate team and the wider business
Explored Situational Leadership II as a tool for developing strong leadership capability and flexibility
Identified leadership style preferences and development areas
Learned how to apply a range of leadership styles
Completed and analysed the results of the LBAII style preference questionnaire (post calls)
Completed and analysed the results of the PRISM behavioural profile
Touch on all of the topics from the Essential Management skills course
Discussed objectives and created a workable action plan
Agreed commitments and set a date for the follow up calls