Power BI is a Microsoft tool that can pull data from various sources and then ‘mashes them together’ to create insightful reports. We have designed this one-day intensive workshop for beginners to Power BI.
What you will learn
- You will get an in-depth understanding of the Power BI components and how Power BI works in different scenarios.
- You will learn how to combine data from different sources to create a relational model
- You will discover different ways to visualise the data
Introduction to self-service business intelligence and the Power BI suite of tools
- Power BI Service, Power BI desktop and Power BI Mobile
- Free versus Pro
- 32 bit v 64 bit
- Comparison with Excel Power Pivot tool
- Overview of the various types of data that can be imported into Power BI
- Preview of the example dashboard report we will create during the training
Getting started with Power BI Desktop and connecting to data sources
- Desktop interface: overview of Ribbon and QAT
- Connecting to various data sources (including Excel)
- Use Query Editor to ‘clean’ and filter data, such as removing rows, find and replacing incorrect spellings, ‘unpivoting’ data
- Refreshing data
- Building the Data Model by creating relationships between the different data sources
- Creating Calculated Columns within your Data Model
- Saving a pbix file
Creating, formatting, moving and deleting Visualisations
- Chart Visualisations (including bubble maps and gauges)
- Card Visualisations
- Matrix Visualisations
- Table Visualisations
- Map Visualisations
- Adding Pages to your Reports
- Including text boxes and shapes
- Turning Interaction On or Off
- Working with Filters (including slicers, field filters, Top N, page filters v report filters)
- Record Grouping and Binning
- Conditional formatting