Half Day Course
Who should attend, requirements and course aims
Who should attend: This course is designed for anyone who edits basic spreadsheets (either their own or one someone else has created) and needs to understand how to include basic calculations.
Requirements: You should be able to create/edit an Excel spreadsheet (enter text and numbers, alter columns). If you’re not confident in that, have a look at our Excel Spreadsheet Creation course first.
Benefit: One of Excel’s major strengths is its calculating power. You will learn to use basic calculations (adding rows and columns, multiplication, division, subtraction) and get an introduction to the ‘language’ of Excel calculation so you can edit basic calculations and be confident you’ve done them correctly.
You will also understand how to create a calculation that uses fixed figures (e.g. VAT, or a target that everyone in the team has to meet) for more than one calculation (e.g. apply VAT to every item on an invoice). You’ll learn the best way to lay out these kinds of calculations and find out how to make them work when you copy them down a column or across a row.
What you will learn
What the course will cover
Session One – Introduction to formulas
Creating Formulas
Using the Sum feature
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
Copying Formulae with Autofill
Session Two – Using Absolute Cell References
Using Absolute Cell References to refer to fixed figures in formulas
Good Spreadsheet Design
If there’s time
Basic functions (Average, Max, Min, Count)