Adobe After Effects is the industry leader for Video Compositing that allows you to create QuickTime movies for output on the Web, CD ROM, Monitor, or full-motion broadcast quality video for television. You will learn how to mix a number of still images together to create a moving texture. Placing Compositions into other Compositions, using Keyframes & Layers, and Effective Rendering techniques will also be covered.
Adobe After Effects CC is an animation and creative compositing app. The tool has so many creative visual effects that a user can come up with mind blowing effects combining text, images, animations and videos. The app, which is also a part of Adobe Creative Cloud’s suite of video editing tools, is considered as a standard in the video industry when it comes to creating motion graphics and visual effects. After Effects CC lets editors and motion graphics artists work together on their compositions and shared sequences seamlessly.
What you will learn
What you will learn Keyframe Complexity, graphs, Keyframe graphic editor, expressions, render queue, path text, masks, color keying, track mattes, compound effects, motion stabilisation and tracking, render order/pre-composing, 3D animation.