This programme is designed specifically for Project Managers in the Construction industry. The construction industry has a poor Health & Safety record and this programme examines the methods by which Managers of construction projects can effect improvement of Health & Safety on their site through an understanding and practical implementation of H&S management techniques. UK and R.O.I. Health & Safety laws are covered, together with an overview of international laws and attitudes towards H&S.
The UK's CDM Regulations are covered in brief, together with an insight into the responsibilities of the Employee, Employer and Dutyholders. A guideline and exercise for practical Risk Assessment is also included in the afternoon session.
What you will learn
UK and R.O.I. Legislation overview
Duties and Responsibilities
- Employer
- Employee
Construction Health & Safety - some statistics
Safety hazards
Health hazards
CDM regulations
Dutyholder responsibilities
Assessing competence
Risk Assessment and method statements