Managing Effective Meetings


Managing Effective Meetings trains delegates in how to improve their ability as a meeting leader. They acquire the knowledge and skills they need to facilitate situation analysis, brainstorming, and decision making in meetings, as well as practicing and developing techniques for fostering creative thinking and dealing with conflict, difficult people and issues during the meeting. Ultimately, this course shows delegates how to effectively prepare for, control, chair and manage meetings and associated follow up activities.

What you will learn

By the end of this course, each delegate will be able to:

  • Identify the most effective ways to communicate a message when holding a meeting
  • Demonstrate the seven different areas of preparation
  • Consider different techniques for imparting information and making the meeting memorable
  • Construct a meeting agenda incorporating different types of content
  • Design various styles of agenda for controlling different kinds of communication
  • Effectively manage communications and commitments before and after the meeting
  • Understand and use assertive behaviour when chairing a meeting
  • Recognise the seven types of difficult people
  • Develop a strategy for coping with difficult people at meetings

Further information

Cosensa Learning and Development
Cosensa Learning and Development
1 Day
Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Cumbria, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stirling

Contact Information

Cosensa Learning and Development

Adelaide House
1 Falcon Road
BT12 6SJ

