Humans and animals interact constantly within animal care settings; whether that’s through daily care, training sessions, veterinary procedures, interactions with visitors, part of research and data collection or any other type of interaction.
If we’re supporting optimal animal wellbeing, that means considering the direct and indirect interactions we have every day - and ensuring they are as positive as possible from the perspective of the animal.
What you will learn
- Promote positive experiences for animals in all contexts, settings and species
- Incorporate natural history and evolutionarily relevant aspects to improve interactions
- Adjust to individual animal preferences, histories and emotions when interacting
- Bring awareness to operational decisions that impact human-animal interactions, like daily routines, timings, staffing and visitor considerations
- Troubleshoot challenges and conflicting priorities in interactions involving animals
Impact of this training:
Through this training, you will know how to create conditions that facilitate the best possible human-animal interactions in any setting. You will explore the interconnections between animal and human wellbeing, giving you an essential foundation for having healthy interactions with familiar or unfamiliar animals. By exploring different experiences, emotions and perspectives you will feel clear and confident about what makes a positive human-animal interaction. With this holistic understanding that puts care and compassion at the centre, you are best placed to have, facilitate and demonstrate interactions with animals that improve the wellbeing of all.