NYS Asbestos Management Planner Refresher


The building inspector is responsible for determining whether Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) is present in a building and assessing physical characteristics of the ACM. The Management Planner then uses this information to estimate the degree of current and/or potential hazard posed by the ACM, and to develop a plan for managing the ACM. The Management Planner determines which response actions are appropriate for all ACM identified in the building.

What you will learn

Evaluation and interpretation of survey results, hazard assessment and response actions, legal responsibilities, developing and implementing an operations and maintenance program, cost estimation and financing abatement projects.

Further information

Future Environment Designs
Future Environment Designs
0.5 Days
Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Harrison, Jamaica, Kingston, Ny, Monroe County, Nassau County, Plattsburgh, Suffolk County, Syosset, Troy, Albany, Area

Contact Information

Future Environment Designs

6800 Jericho Turnpike
Suite 120W
11791 USA
