PMVA - 1 Day Refresher


The Health & Safety Groups' 1-day refresher course in the Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) has been certified by BILD ACT as fully aligned to the RRN Training Standards. 

The Health and Safety Group follow the GSA Skills model which means all our tutors are GSA approved instructors.

During the course, candidates will refresh their knowledge of key theoretical modules in primary and secondary interventions and demonstrate their ongoing competency with various practical Breakaway and Physical Intervention skills.

Who can attend this course?

The Health & Safety Groups’ 1-day PMVA refresher course has been certified by BILD ACT as suitable for all populations within the education, health, and social care sectors.

Candidates must meet the prerequisites established by RRN Training Standards to enrol in this course. Prospective participants should review the requirements prior to registration.

This refresher course is exclusively for professionals holding a valid (in-date) 3-5 day BILD ACT Certified PMVA training certificate which includes the GSA Skills Modules.

What you will learn

  • Relevant Legislation, Guidelines + Frameworks
  • Professional Accountability
  • Legal + Ethical Issues
  • Equality and Human Rights
  • Influences on PMVA
  • Risks in restraint (including avoiding + detection of positional asphyxia)
  • Use of Reasonable Force
  • Conflict Resolution Overview
  • De-escalation Strategies (inclusive of dis-engagement (breakaway) techniques)

Instruction + practice of: -

  • Friendly come along (including Non-Contact and stage one, two and figure of four)
  • Standing holds to include (Escape and Rescue)
  • Upper Arm Wrap, Team Formulation & Approach
  • Upper Arm Wrap to a secure hold
  • Seated De-escalation to include Trouble Drills
  • Upper Arm Wrap to Supine
  • Supine Descent to Floor to Elevated Rest in Upper Arm Wrap
  • Trouble Drill to Sniper in Supine
  • Elevated rest to standing
  • De-escalation in Supine
  • Securing Legs in Supine
  • Prone descent to floor
  • Prone floor work (upper rest to lower rest, de-escalation on floor, legs in prone)
  • Turning Prone to Supine
  • Prone Standing from the floor
  • Reliefs, standing-supine-prone
  • Seclusion options

Further information

The Health and Safety Group
The Health and Safety Group
1 Day
Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Bristol , Cardiff, Chelmsford, Colchester, Coventry, Croydon, Eastleigh, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Huntingdon, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Luton, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Sevenoaks, Sheffield, Southampton, Stoke-On-Trent

Contact Information

The Health and Safety Group

Building 5, 566 Chiswick High Rd
W4 5YF

