Outcome based Care Planning


This one day course has been designed in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council, to give you confidence that your organisation has the skills, tools and information needed to develop effective workable outcome based care plans, that are easy to follow and implement for the individuals in your care.

Ensuring that not only are their needs met in a person centred way, but that their goals, wishes and aspirations, in all elements of their care, are met in the best way possible to produce the desired outcomes. By making sure that the person is at the heart of their care planning, has been proven to have a positive impact on a person and those involved in assisting the delivery of their care, enhancing overall health and well-being.

What you will learn

We will refresh on the basic fundamentals of care, as well as the effective communication skills needed when working with individuals to plan what they need and how best to communicate delivery of care across all teams involved .
CQC requirements will be covered, how we support those who may lack Mental Capacity, how to incorporate Advance care planning and ReSPECT, if needed.


Further information

Care in Lincs
Care in Lincs
1 Day
Boston, Grantham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Louth, Skegness, Spalding

Contact Information

Care in Lincs

Greetwell Place
2 Lime Kiln Way, Greetwell Road
