Do you want your employees or volunteers to support West Yorkshire residents more effectively to reduce their numeracy anxieties?
If so, Realise’s Multiply Ambassador training can help them to break down barriers that West Yorkshire residents face on a day to day basis and support them to further develop their numeracy skills.
Designed in conjunction with world renowned thought leader, author and expert in experiential learning, Professor Colin Beard, this is a learning experience like no other. This workshop creates Multiply Ambassadors who will support West Yorkshire residents to break through maths fear & anxiety showing them how to change mindsets and develop newfound confidence with numeracy in their workplace and personal lives.
What you will learn
This is a different learning experience.
Attendees should expect a 6-hour workshop filled with activities which will unlock their potential, as well as receive a toolkit to support in reducing anxieties with their service users/customers.
And the best this is…it’s all free!
We can also offer back-fill costs of up to £100 per person to employers for employees who attend the full 6-hour workshop!