Customer Service Skills


Customer service is the cornerstone of a solid, thriving business. In commercial business terms, it costs up to thirty times more to get a new customer than it does to service and maintain the satisfaction and loyalty of existing ones. The aim of this training course is to enable delegates to create, maintain and build upon a positive and informed culture of customer care within their organisation

What you will learn

By the end of this training course each delegate will be able to:

  • Identify the different kinds of customer
  • Establish why poor customer care happens
  • Describe customer likes and dislikes
  • Grasp the importance of the lifetime value of each customer and of building sound
  • relationships with customers
  • Handle customer enquiries professionally
  • Design a procedure for handling customer complaints positively
  • Be assertive with their customers
  • Describe the importance of non-verbal communication
  • Recognise the seven types of difficult people
  • Develop a coping strategy for dealing with difficult customers

Further information

Cosensa Learning and Development
Cosensa Learning and Development
1 Day
Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Cumbria, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stirling

Contact Information

Cosensa Learning and Development

Adelaide House
1 Falcon Road
BT12 6SJ

