This Presentation Skills training course is designed to help delegates prepare effective, interesting and memorable presentations using a range of different techniques. By the end of this course delegates will understand how to assess and choose the right presentation techniques and tools for the occasion; channel nervous energy positively; develop excellent oratory techniques and effectively use body language for emphasis and also know how to inspire the audience and instil confidence.
What you will learn
• Planning and preparing your presentation
- being prepared: making a presentation plan, use of visuals, use of other resources
- building confidence and managing any nerves
• Starting your presentation
- creating a good first impression & generating rapport
• Presentation strategies and techniques - body language - techniques and examples of it’s use by ‘experts’
- oratory techniques and crucial points to remember
- using different resources and aids/when and where to use them
- managing tricky situations
• Closing the presentation
- ending on a high