This CSTF Safeguarding Children Level 3 classroom training course is a not-for-profit service intended to promote child safety and wellbeing in the UK.
Who Is This Course For?
This Safeguarding Children training course is for anyone who need to understand the roles and responsibilities for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.
This course is essential for all staff whose work brings them into contact with children and is suitable for anyone who works in settings such as: - schools, universities, sports clubs, GP surgery or other healthcare setting.
This certificate lasts for three years!
Why Should You Attend A Classroom Course VS E-Learning?
A training course involving this level of safeguarding simply cannot be conveyed on an e-learning course. The essential, but sometimes distressing imagery is so important to recognising safeguarding issues and cannot be published to a publicly accessible E-Learning platform.
Face to face training is delivered by a safeguarding expert with real life case studies that cannot be shared or published onto e-learning. Only face to face training can be completely up to date and only in a classroom course can real case discussions take place.
What you will learn
- What is child abuse
- Signs and symptoms of child abuse
- Normal child development and creating a safe environment
- What to do in response to concerns about a child
- Documentation, reporting strategies and sharing of information
- Multi-disciplinary team work
- Case discussions and exploring professional dilemmas