This programme is designed to provide delegates with the ability to construct a persuasive and compelling argument and to be able to present it with authority and confidence. The programme is designed utilising techniques derived from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that will enable you to construct a business proposition and present it in a fashion that captures the imagination of your audience. Throughout the two days, delegates will explore tools and techniques that can help them prepare the basis for their proposal with informal 'corridor' or 'elevator' conversations, develop rapport with their counterparts and defuse tension and disagreement.
What you will learn
- Gain an insight into the golden rules and guiding principles of effective influencing
- Learn a tool box of various persuasion strategies
- Deal with questions with confidence and a natural sense of authority
- Understand and appreciate the power of 'networking' and getting people to listen to your points of view
- Find your own unique, elegant style to demonstrate your point clearly and concisely