This course covers the importance of a quality management system in healthcare, and the eight key steps in the QMS. The course follows Florence Nightingale and her struggles in the British Army Hospital in Constantinople during the Crimean War, as she is widely regarded as the first QMS manager in healthcare, and the practices she developed still stand today.
Information on the eight key components of the QMS is provided, along with how they are executed and why they are necessary in a healthcare setting, and how they fit together to create a functioning system.
The course includes ‘continuous improvement’, which considers the importance of growth and development within any department, and how everyone within a department is responsible for its success.
What you will learn
- Introduction to the QMS
- Importance of the QMS
- Facility to Equipment Validation
- Document Control
- Staff Training
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Control
- Health & Safety/Risk Assessment
- Root Cause Analysis
- Continuous Improvement