In your role as Clinical Supervisor, you will need to ensure your IMGs are afforded the development they need to not only thrive in their role but to overcome the unique challenges they face joining the NHS. As the numbers grow and play key roles in delivering medical care, it becomes more crucial than ever that support is made available to teach the skills needed to thrive.
CPD Points: 6
Training Course Category: Healthcare
Recommended No. of Days: 1
Training Course Location: Virtual or to be determined by Client
What you will learn
By the end of this programme, delegates can:
- Recognise how Clinical Supervision and support for IMGs starting work in the NHS is essential for their well-being, and sense of inclusion career and to ensure safe patient care
- Describe the information, resources and support that IMGs can expect from their employing Trust
- Consider the range of challenges that could arise for a doctor moving into a new linguistic, cultural, and professional environment
- Reflect on personal and professional learning needs and identify ways to meet these
- Locate supplementary learning resources