Coaching Remotely


Who Would Benefit?

Being a good coach brings huge benefits to both you and the people that you help develop. Good coaches are able to build the talents of the people in their teams so that they can take on more responsibility and free their time to focus on business excellence. Equally, we all value great coaching that helps us to grow, build our careers and enjoy our work. All managers are not good coaches but all good managers are good coaches.

Course Description

The programme has been designed to help you understand the context of coaching, who, what and when to coach using the GROW model. Our trainer will help you to understand how to ask good coaching questions, build effective coaching relationships and how to focus your coaching activity on the areas that will have the greatest impact on your organisation. The payback from coaching comes very quickly, if not instantly, and this intensive programme will develop your coaching skills to the full.


What you will learn

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ensure you continue to develop your team's capability whilst working remotely
  • Improve the performance of and provide motivational support to individuals.
  • Maintain contact and connectivity with remote workers.
  • Allow you to respond to the individual development needs of your team, offering a flexible and timely response.

Further information

Maguire Training
Maguire Training
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge

Contact Information

Maguire Training

Brunts Business Centre
Samuel Brunts Way
NG18 2AH

