The content will suit experienced salespeople with the right skills and a thorough knowledge of how to sell! Mainly because there will be a level of assumed knowledge and skills from them coming into the programme that less experienced sales professionals may not possess. We will, of course, provide a non-threatening benchmarking process to assess the current level of knowledge of those attending, giving us a base from which to go forward.
Delegates will learn the value of selling strategy. The once experienced salesperson has shown they can distinguish between selling to clients and managing their account professionally, then they should attend this course to fully explore selling strategically and the value of developing key accounts. This is done by using a structured sales strategy & selling to customers and selling to clients as a professional salesperson should.
They will leave with a very different perspective on strategic key account management and a better understanding of strategic sales planning.
What you will learn
At the end of this programme, the delegate can:
• Explain how to create a robust sales strategy
• Give examples of good client-targeting and preparation
• Devise a way of influencing others
• Think creatively and innovatively in the sales environment
• Present ideas and sales strategies confidently