The course is designed to support junior and middle-ranking staff in setting-up their own financial models, or in using models received from other sources. The principal aim of the course will be to learn to build and use financial models as tools to understand transactions, identify risk and perform sensitivity analysis.
The principal aim of the course is enable participants to use Microsoft Excel to prepare logical and easy-to-use financial models to support transactions, forecasts and planning for ongoing business streams. These skills can also be used to support credit approvals and reviews by lenders and to support the organisation to run or sponsor projects.
What you will learn
Make yourself and your staff more productive by using Excel better.
Reduce the danger of spreadsheet errors by learning how to structure Excel books logically and robustly.
The learning methods used are practical, as practice of newly-learned techniques enables a deeper and more effective building of skills. Each section will be covered briefly as a module in a traditional class style, but the real learning experience will be found in the exercises within each module. Suggested solutions to each exercise will be provided and discussed, and participants will be encouraged to review their work independently. As the time available is limited, and the needs of the participants will vary, each section will be covered at a level appropriate to the average ability and experience of a typical delegate, but supporting materials will be available for further in-depth learning according to participants’ own needs.