Who Would Benefit
Managers who are regularly receiving financial data/reports and are in need of help in understanding and interpreting the information contained within the Non-Financial Manager Training Course.
Course Description
Delegates will learn how to be able to read a set of financial accounts and understand the underlying messages improving their financial awareness. They should be able to interpret financial information and explain the principles, disciplines and controls of finance. In addition to exercises & analysis of profit and loss accounts & finance management, delegates will have the confidence to be able to argue a case for expenditure in finance terms and enjoy improved communication with the finance department.
CPD Points: 12
Training Course Category: Management & Leadership
Training Course Duration: 2 days
Training Course Location: Virtual, online or classroom-based
What you will learn
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this programme, the delegate can:
- Demonstrate an understanding of financial data
- Interpret financial documents
- Give examples of financial control
- Identify financial planning
- State sound financial decision-making examples
The Programme Includes:
- The advantages of understanding financial management
- Reviewing monthly accounts
- Understanding the nature & behaviour of costs
- Calculating profit & profitability
- An analysis of a balance sheet
- Understanding the cash flow process
- Budgetary control & restraints
- Planning ahead
- Reliable forecasting
- Decision-making from a financial standpoint
- Communicating your proposition